
When Cezanne was growing up he didnt really know what he wanted to be. His father told him to do what he dose in work, for a job. Cezanne started listening to his father but decide that he didnt like it and wanted to do something different. He remembered that back when he was in school he always liked art class and he was good at painting, so he decided to become a painter. And he did in 1861. Although his father was disappointed and mad. He painted many things, there was a varitey.  Portraits, interior scenes, and many others. An important painting of his early years is a portrait of his father. The painting on the left is the important painting of his father. His name is Louis-Auguste Cezanne, it was painted in 1866. Paul also painted many other very good paintings.

Pauls painting style was unique because of the brushstokes he used. Also using the brushstroke he made shapes pop out more. Paul went to a painting school and he met Emilee Zola. She also wanted to become a painter. So the two of them became close friends because they were in the same painting school and wanted to be painters. The painting called apples and oranges was the most well known of his paintings. This picture is below.

Apples and Oranges

this picture is one of the most well known painting that Paul Cezanne painted. it is called Apples and oranges. It was painted in 1895-1900.
